Acts 23 - The Resurrection of the Dead

4 years ago

This chapter of Acts is mostly a narrative of Paul's arrest in Jerusalem. Paul does attempt to make a case for himself before the Jewish council. He explains that it is because of the resurrection of the dead that he is on trial.

This is new to anyone who has been following along with Pauls's trial here. Paul had been accused of speaking, “against the people and the law and this place. Moreover, he even brought Greeks into the temple and has defiled this holy place.” Acts 21:28. There was no accusation of him preaching a resurrection from the dead.

However, the message of the resurrection of the dead does coincide with the things Paul was preaching. He was speaking against "the people." Paul would have been telling them of the impending doom for the Jews in Jerusalem. And, Paul was speaking against, "this place." So Paul would have been telling them about the impending destruction of their Temple. These two things, the destruction of the Temple (Heaven) and the desolation of the people in the land (earth) do coincide with the resurrection.

The resurrection of the dead and the great tribulation of the Jews all happen before the holy people (the Jews) are eliminated from the land. This is disclosed in the prophecies found in Daniel 12.

Join us as we examine the scriptures which show us why the Jews were so angry at Paul that forty (40) of them would take a vow to neither eat nor drink until he was dead...

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