June Gilliam ~ The Liberty Forum ~ 6-9-2020

4 years ago

June Gilliam

One silver lining to the Covid-19 cloud is that the illusion of Chinese benevolence has been shattered. The world now knows that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will ruthlessly lie to advance its aims, regardless of the cost to others.

June Gilliam knows this first-hand. A former member of the CCP, June moved from China to the United States more than twenty years ago. While living here, she discovered that America is a far better place than she had been taught in China. She now speaks regularly to groups across the state, to wake people up to the menace that the communists running China represent. She believes that knowledge is power.

Hear June talk about the re-ordering of international relationships that will follow this pandemic and the unmasking of China.

Below are two reference links included in the presentation:

How the Specter of Communism is Ruling Our World: https://www.theepochtimes.com/how-the-specter-of-communism-is-ruling-our-world-list-of-chapters_2658181.html

Editorial: Wherever Ties to the Chinese Communist Party are Close, the CCP Virus Follows: https://www.theepochtimes.com/where-ties-with-communist-china-are-close-the-coronavirus-follows_3268389.html

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