Mainstream Media Are Gaslighting Liars

3 years ago

Our media is a complete disgrace today. They can no longer be classified as media really, because they have moved to a radically different mode of operation. They are spineless, cowardly agents of the Democratic Party. They don’t work for the big media conglomerates, who they work for are the communist Democrats.

And they don’t even lie anymore, they have gone beyond that to gaslighting. They aren’t just telling us lies, they are telling us what we know to be true, is not true. They told us the Hunter Biden laptop implicating him and his criminal father in all kinds of scams and illicit behavior was a Russian disinformation campaign, it was not. Everything about the laptop was true, the pictures, the emails, the videos, everything. They are now telling us there is no credible evidence of voter fraud, despite there being hundreds and thousands of examples.

The Governor of South Dakota Kristi Noem, was on ABC with George Stephanopoulos, Bill Clinton’s press secretary, and he reiterated that same, gaslighting claim about there being no credible evidence of voter fraud, and Noem gave him 3 direct, verifiable examples of voter fraud and Stephanopoulos just repeated the same talking point lie, like Governor Noem didn’t say a word.

This is how the media works now. This is what our country has become. While real, verifiable evidence is being presented in court as we speak, the liberal media has decided to cover none of it because they are afraid of you knowing about it. They don’t want you to know, because that would dilute their narrative and their ability to control the masses.

Make no mistake, at this point, the mainstream media is engaging in nothing but dangerous, manipulative behavior, that will destroy their credibility and could destroy our country if Trump ends up winning.

They will have blood on their hands if this election gets reversed and they should be prosecuted for every lie and subversive distortion they have used to deceive and swindle the masses.

They are criminals.

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