CrossKrush on Xbox One - Game play and Review

3 years ago

It is really hard to describe CrossKrush, it is a little bit Tetris, a little bit Bomberman and a whole lot addictive.

You can play as one of two elderly people, Henry or Florence, they are a married couple who are frustrated that busy highway has been built in front of their home.

So they have decided to take it upon themselves to attack and blow up as many cars as they can. Ok so the premise of the story is a tad bizarre, but that doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things.

Despite the images and trailer making the game look complicated and busy, it is in fact a super simple game, you start off with one of the two characters, you are on a road which is separated into lanes, and vehicles slowly move towards you in blocks, you then click on a section of the road, it turns green, as the cars move down, when a car is over the green area, you click a button and the car explodes! Simple right. And what's more you can even whack cars with your walking stick (cane), although it doesn't do a lot of damage, hit a car enough times and it will explode.

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