Scytl Servers Were Taken By The Good Guys Sidney Powell

4 years ago

Scytl Servers Were Taken By The Good Guys (Confirmed By Sidney Powell) is about how the Scytl servers in Germany were taken by the white hats not the black hats. I filmed this before the white hat info was out so the white hat info is at the end.
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Sidney Powell went on Glen Becks show and said:
"The servers at Scytl in Germany were confiscated the other day. I am hearing it was “our forces” that got those servers, so I think the government is now working on an investigation of what really happened but we're getting in evidence also that there were lines into the servers from four foreign countries all extremely adverse to the interests of the United States.”

-Sidney Powell
From The Washington Examiner:
Powell: Servers were 'confiscated' from electronic voting company 'in Germany,' and 'it was our forces that got' them
by Andrew Mark Miller, Social Media Producer | November 20, 2020 04:22 PM
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NewsMinute 7 AM (CR)
Trump attorney Sidney Powell told radio host Glenn Beck Friday that she has heard that “our forces” confiscated the server of an electronic voting system company in Germany with alleged ties to the president’s voter fraud accusations.

“The servers at Scytl in Germany were confiscated the other day,” Powell told Beck during a 15-minute conversation related to voter fraud claims made by President Trump. “I’m hearing it was our forces that got those servers, so I think the government is now working on an investigation of what really happened.”

Powell added: "But we’re getting in evidence also that there were lines into the servers from four foreign countries all extremely adverse to the interests of the United States."

“But wouldn’t they have counted those here first and then just uploaded them to the cloud on those servers maybe perhaps in Germany?” Beck asked.

“Right, there were multiple ways of doing the alterations of the votes," Powell said. "The person sitting at the data center where the votes are coming in can do it, can watch in real time and change things. They can put an algorithm on the system across the board that does the initial shifting and then in each data collection point, which is best we can tell, for the major alterations for the Democratic-controlled, politically corrupt strongholds in the country. Cities like Detroit and Philadelphia and Atlanta. By the spikes in the data, the statistical experts … can tell you exactly when the anomalies occurred that are statistically impossible.”

Trump allies have been spreading the claim in recent days about a military raid that seized servers in Germany, which both the U.S. Army and Scytl have denied. Scytl, an electronic voting company, issued a statement Monday saying the U.S. military has not seized anything from the company and that it doesn't have offices in Germany.

The claim, which several “fact-checkers” have deemed “false,” appears to have originated on Twitter and was echoed by Trump loyalist Rep. Louie Gohmert during a Newsmax interview.

Powell also told Beck that evidence to support claims of voter fraud is still being gathered.

“We are still gathering massive amounts of evidence,” Powell told Beck when asked when she expects lawsuits to be filed. “We haven’t even had time to process all of it. People are drafting affidavits right and left.”

Powell explained that “patriotic Americans” are coming forward both domestically and internationally to “clean up the system and stop this election rigging that has gone on all around the world for the profit of all kinds of tyrants and global interests that have just lined their pockets while they’ve raped their own countries and treated their people horribly.”

Powell added that she hopes to begin sending documents to reporters and “people like” Beck “as soon as this weekend.”

“We’ve unearthed a global criminal conspiracy that’s just mind-blowing,” she said.

Powell joined fellow Trump attorneys in a news conference Thursday outlining several allegations of widespread voter fraud that the legal team believes altered the result of the presidential election.

Powell claimed to have evidence of the “massive influence of communist money through Venezuela, Cuba, and likely China, and interference with our elections."

"The Dominion Voting Systems, the Smartmatic technology software ... were created in Venezuela at the direction of Hugo Chavez to make sure he never lost an election after one constitutional referendum came out the way he did not want it to come out,” Powell stated. "Trump won by a landslide, and we are going to prove it, and we are going to reclaim the United States of America for the people who vote for freedom.”

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