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Find stuff to sell on eBay or Craigslist - for cheap!

4 years ago

https://HamRadioCQ.com for more of MY VIDEOS!!!

Here are some items I will show that I bought at a local auction. These are items that I use to sell on eBay or Craigslist. You will need to do some thrift store shopping for eBay. Where else would you get your inventory. I can think of a few other places...garage sales, yard sales, auction deals. Be careful buying at an auction though, you can end up with some junk. It happened to me.

The best way to sell on eBay is to get your stuff cheap at garage sale finds. I can show you how to eve get garage sale guns!

You can also find things on craigslist, but it's not as easy. Make some extra money in a flea market also using these tips. I hope you take my advice... you can earn extra money selling things on ebay.

Good luck!

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