My Next piece is called NCSWIC

4 years ago

i found it apropos to use Issac Stern's violin piece. its too bad my photoshop skills dont match. kek. i will have to come back in a years time and see if i am more capable to give some justice to such a beautiful piece. meanwhile, Issac Stern is a jew, who wrote this piece for the production "Fiddler on the Roof" a play/movie about Russian jews who were forced to leave Russia and thats when they moved in and took over china. you may have thought jews were white but they arent. they are both chinese and black and are wearing white face to blend in. hey, thats what i heard. kekekekekekek. okay, all kidding aside, we all know..... its the aliens. so here it is.... another meme montage best i could and as always, hope you can enjoy

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