Nancy Drew: The Final Scene Puzzle Box (Speed Art)

3 years ago

• This project was created using the following items:
• Wooden Box
• Acrylic Paints (Liquitex, Winsor and Newton, and Grumbacher)
• Artist Loft Brushes
• Kingart Inkline Pen
• Graphite Pencil (Or any regular pencil will work)
• Clear Fixative (I added one layer of clear gloss nail polish after the fixative was dry to give it a thick finish).
I did not film every step of the process, but I added each step as to how I completed each step below:
The Steps:
• I primed the surface with thick acrylic paint(White Newton paint). When the primer was dry, I began to sketch in the objects.
• After the sketch was complete, I continued to paint the top with varied colors.
• At this point, I used a Pale Green Winsor Paint to ‘frame’ the sides. The smaller areas I used Watercolor Pencils with water to give the small areas a little more vibrant color.
•Creating the texture on the sides was achieved by applying a light brown mixture to the sides then layering it with a dark brown umber with a hard bristled brush.(If you try this at home, be sure that the first layer is completely dry before adding more layers).
• The brushes I had were not small enough, so I dipped the end of my pencil into the White Newton paint to get the small areas for her necklace.
• The image is supposed to look similar to the puzzle box, so I added the lines with pencil first, then layered it with black Kingart Inkline Pen.
•The last part was to add the clear fixative and set it to dry.
It took me about three weeks to complete this project due to the amount of detail. If you decide to take this on as a project, remember to give yourself time and patience with each step.
I decided to alter this project and create the life of Hadassah (Esther). Her selfless action determined the fate of all Jews in the kingdom, ultimately saving her people from death and bringing peace to the kingdom. “I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish.”-Esther 4:16
Inspired by the PC Game, Nancy Drew: Final Scene • This video contains audio from the Nancy Drew series, made by Her Interactive ( All rights are owned by Her Interactive •

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