Paragliding / PPG The Importance Of Ground handling

3 years ago

The importance of ground handling

Our biggest priority at Super Training


It is not about the motor, because your not flying a paramotor, your flying a paraglider.

The paramotor is easy!

In fact here is all you need to know - Press the throttle to go up, let off to go down.

It's the paraglider that takes hours on hours on hours on HOURS on HOURS of practice to master control of.

And it is EXTREMELY important.

So important in fact, that we spend the majority of our training time teaching you that.

Becasue when you go home to fly on your own, you need to know how to fly that glider.

If you don't you could get hurt.

That's why during training we spend 25-60 hours hands on with you teaching you everything.

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