For No Baloney Tony November 17, 2020 By Anna Von Reitz

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For No Baloney Tony November 17, 2020 By Anna Von Reitz

Oh, Tony. This is going to get even "better". Between the Covid-19 Hoax and this election tampering, Trump is going to catch them all. This is going to be Epic.
I am sitting here this morning pouring over the intel --- high quality intel --- not internet chatter and not gossip. The size, scope, and Kung Fu nature of this operation is mind-blowing.
Remember the old saying about "give him enough rope to hang himself"? Well, that is what the Trump Administration has done. They played so dumb they felt stupid. They stood there innocent as the flowers in May and took it in the shorts and took it in the shorts....and all the while, they were letting Joey and Nancy and Chuckie underestimate them.
As the t-shirt says, this is going to be fun. People all over the world are going to get an education from this. They are going to see how their own election processes were manipulated. They are going to see why they can't trust "science". They are going to be stunned and outraged and humbled and everything in between.
I think it is safe to say that you can color the CIA gone. Probably MI6 and the FBI, too. Why? These organizations are "Agencies" and those agencies have been grossly misdirected and also have been prey to foreign disinformation campaigns that have resulted in sell-outs to foreign interests, industrial espionage, patent fraud, election tampering, and a host of other criminal activities that have nothing to do with any Public Good.
If I were a former CIA Director right now, I'd be wearing a nice stout pair of Depends diapers. Same for MI6. Same for FBI.
When Trump is done, those houses are all going to be clean as a whistle, if they survive at all, and the organizations which have been directing these agencies will be gone. These are not the only "intel groups" that will be impacted, they are only the ones that the people here know about and think of. The rot has gone deep into the Defense Intelligence Agency and DARPA, too, and their equivalents all around the world.
The first New Deal was a giant fraud scheme that aimed to enslave the people of America and rob them blind, so take a hint. The Green New Deal was going to be even worse, if possible. Using pseudo-science (just like the Plandemic) they were aiming at taxing your life functions. They were going to tax you for breathing, eating, drinking water, and defecating. It wasn't enough for these fiends to tax your labor and your time on this Earth. And they were going to impose this new tax scheme worldwide.

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