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This Day Sucks (short film)

4 years ago

This award-winning short film by writer/director Chris Hall tells the story of a hitman who has an awful day, full of unexpected obstacles and set backs as he works to carry out the plans given to him by his mobster boss. This homage to Tarantino is the second short film by Mayhem Productions, filmed on a Canon T2i, and edited with Davinci Resolve and Adobe Audition.


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Jimmy: Dustin Bennett
Marvin: DEZ
Bartender: James Donley
The Package: Chris Payne

Writer/Director: Chris Hall
Cinematographer: John Carroll DeShazier
Sound Recordist: Tishari Claiborne
Production Assistant: Terry Wilson
Makeup: Brenda Philip
Editor: Chris Hall

"Wild Wild Baby" by The Nervous Fellas - https://youtu.be/_747QQlFlZI
"La Reine de la Mer" by United States Marine Band - https://youtu.be/LoHFyOtzLjQ
"Long Live" by Kapp YounGG - https://youtu.be/LRa4IUwjXcU
"Woozy" by C.X.L. - https://youtu.be/h8oBKxrDs2Y
"Outlaw" by 8 Second Ride - https://youtu.be/XlNe11KkNtM
"Sneaky Snitch" by Kevin MacLeod - https://youtu.be/-SjOkb3kVgI
"Wasteland" by Artem Grebenshchikov - https://youtu.be/Pgu3qW7OTMc

Roco's Bar - https://www.facebook.com/rocos.bar/
Nu-Way Weiners - https://nu-wayweiners.com/
Middle GA Talent - http://middlegeorgiatalentagency.com/
Psycho DeVilles - https://www.psychodevilles.com/

OFFICIAL WEBSITE: http://mayhemproductions.net/
MERCH STORE: https://www.zazzle.com/store/mayhemproductions/products
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/mayhemproductionfilms
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/mayhem_films
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/mayhemproductionfilms/
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ9_tgegdmJGDzupE9zl6sg
MINDS: https://www.minds.com/mayhemproductions/
PARLER: https://parler.com/profile/mayhemproductions
BITCHUTE: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/mayhemproductions
ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@mayhemproductions
RUMBLE: https://rumble.com/mayhemproductions

#mayhemproductions #middlegatalent #indiefilm

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