Craigslist Fraud

4 years ago

Craigslist Fraud

Apartment Frauds and Real Estate Scams

As the economy gets worse, the con artists and fraudsters get more active on Craigslist and apartment websites. Be on the look out for under-priced loft condos for lease and apartment deals that are too good to be true. Fake ads, false postings and fraudulent listings often come with an asking rent price that is too low, and no voice phone to speak to the owner, manager or agent. Do not provide money or personal information to these pernicious property purveyors. Flag the postings so that others will not be victimized.

A legitimate rental listing will normally provide a voice phone with an agent, manager or owner available to speak with.

Get a free list of loft apartments and live/work industrial condos for lease, along with tour information.

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