Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau admits to Agenda 2030: Pandemic is an opportunity to reset

4 years ago

During a United Nations video conference, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau admitted to Agenda 2030 being real. It's no longer just a "conspiracy theory," folks.

Build Back Better, Agenda 2030, UN's SDG's, a Global Reset... Trudeau mentioned it all.

The “pandemic provided an opportunity for a reset,” and to “re-imagine economic systems,” said Trudeau.

We're here, ladies and gentlemen.

Agenda 2030 and Agenda 21 will mean:

-Destruction of the nation state. No borders. No United States.
-One-world technocratic government (similar to communism)
-No elected politicians
-No private property ownership
-No privately owned cars, even EV's
-No Constitutional rights
-Total collapse of the economy
-Destruction of all resource sectors, including farming/fishing
-Mass unemployment
-A migration flood
-Depopulation measures/population control
-"Equalization" payments sent to countries to "fight climate change," which is designed to destroy the U.S.'s superpower status
-Austerity/universal basic income
-Government-owned housing
-Destruction of Christianity and Western culture/values
-Destruction of the nuclear family structure
-Smart cities/surveillance states
-Complete, total and utter control of all land, water, air, humans, animals, resources
-And much, much more...


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