JWPP - Blood Cell

3 years ago

Jehovah's Witness Protection Program playing "Blood Cell"


Blood Cell

I’m a red blood cell. What’s going on?
There’s stuff protruding in my space. It’s a strange phenomenon
There’s something sticking through the walls of the veins that surround me
They’re cutting stuff out. What am I to do?
So I guess I’ll just sit here and watch; I’m gonna go and face my waterloo

It’s like I’ve been shanked by the surgeon. Shanked again and again.
In five or six places. Like a prisoner getting hit by a gangster’s inside men
It’s like a battleground inside of me
And it was not because of my stupidity
It could be worse, I could be cut from stem to stern instead of robotic surgery

Cut to pieces Cut to shreds
If they don’t give me some Vicodin
I’d feel I’d be better off dead
I need my pain pills
And lots of malted milk for me to drink
If my dogs don’t stop waking me up I’m going to drown them in the sink

I think I’d rather stay inside Paul’s body
And take my chances with the aftermath
I guess it’s better than going down the toilet
Or down the drain following a bath
It sucks to be a blood cell
At the mercy of everything you see
It would be worse to be some body parts that got removed during surgery

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