Ode to Philadelphia Election - Prophetic Poem 11/14/2020

3 years ago

Ode to Philadelphia Election
11/13 copyright Deanna Falchook

The door flings wide open,
The key is in His grip,
The Angel Army is marching,
The tables have all been tipped,

The ballots are flying and disappear in the wind,
God is not done counting the ones who have sinned,
Arrogance, pride, corruption aligned,
Believing they can cheat to take God’s blessed prize,

But the door has flung open,
The key is in His grip,
God won’t be overtaken,
The mantle will not be stripped,

The people have voted and God is so pleased,
In the votes for life and pursuit of liberty,
They far exceed the alliance of sin in the lies,
God will not be cheated ,
America will survive,

There is a mantle,
There is an anointing,
God is the one who carries it to
The man He is appointing,

The votes that he counts are like the petals on a rose,
He pulls them and throws them,
Leaving the lies at His toes,
There is a Key He is holding and a door for His son,
Who walks hand in hand with America’s chosen one…

So doors fling wide open and the monsters are exposed,
For violating democracy right under Liberty’s nose,
God stands with the key and the rose scepter in hand,
Anointing and appointing disqualifying the wicked man,

Fear God, or wither and follow your crooked ballots in the dust,
The doors have flung open for the spirit of the JUST,
Never underestimate God’s army here and in heavenly realms,
Damn the torpedoes Anihilate the Helm,

For God is not done yet with the man He has called,
Hades is defeated and God cries Justice for All,
The door is flung open and the Key is in His hand,
And God locks away the liars while inaugurating His man,
The door flings wide open,
The key is in His grip,
The Angel Army is marching,
The enemy has been stripped…

God marches into Philadelphia
Ringing the BELL,
Liberty will not be stolen,
The corruptors are sent to Hell!

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