ZhengGu TuiNa Therapy Promo

4 years ago

ZhengGu Tui Na is an ancient Chinese method to alleviate problems in the skeletal structure that can effect the soft tissue, nervous system, the flow of internal energy (Qi) and mental health. ZhengGu TuiNa is part of the four pillars of learning taught by Chinese Martial Arts masters to select students. Because it requires years of study and an extensive knowledge of anatomy and internal power, ZhengGu TuiNa can only be done by highly trained martial arts professionals.

This method is a dying art as our modern lifestyle leaves little time for the high-level training required to learn ZhengGu TuiNa.

Do not confuse ZhengGu TuiNa with modern chiropractic. ZhengGu TuiNa is nothing like chiropractic.

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