Licorice - Viagra for women - find out with me how to prepare and use it ❤

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3 years ago

Sometimes the husband suffers from his wife's lack of response in the intimate relationship, and no matter how much the woman tries to respond, she finds herself lacking desire, and the reason for that is some of the problems that the wife suffers from, whether they are health or psychological problems.
Some men try to arouse their wives by putting on the perfume that his wife prefers, or buying some perfumes known to stimulate a woman's desire, but sometimes women do not even respond to these perfumes.
The studies of the nervous system, smell and taste of the Foundation for Therapy and Research in Chicago recommend using the herbal licorice plant, as the smell of this plant is considered a natural sexual stimulant for women more than any other smell, as it conducted a study in which it revealed that women who were exposed to licorice smell increased their Blood flow increased by 13% for women who were not exposed to the smell of licorice, and that there is a chemical reaction that occurs in the brain of a woman when a woman inhales the smell of licorice, stimulates her sexual desire.
Studies warn men against inhaling the smell of licorice, because its effect on men is the opposite of its effect on women, as it can weaken a man's sexual desire. Studies advise husbands to offer their wives a licorice drink, or licorice candy, on romantic nights, instead of roses and international perfumes.

🔺️ But it should not be consumed so as not to harm you in your health, it should be eaten in moderate quantities as shown in the video
It should only be taken once or twice a week

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