Diving into Satanism: Marina Abramovic, Spirit Cooking and Pop Culture

4 years ago

Ephesians 5:11
Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.

This is a dark topic, but it's real. Most of us don't see the evil, because we are good. But being good doesn't abolish the evil. The more we open our own eyes, the more we can dedicate our hearts and minds to open other people's eyes. This doesn't just affect the elites involved. This trickles through all that we do and what we consume.. including our children. We are being deceived, don't let it stray you away from all that is good. See through the veil of the media, the government and the pop culture.

@outofshadowsdocumentary #outofshadows @lizcrokin #lizcrokin #satanic #satanism #darkmagic #christianity #christian #antonlevay #marinaabromovic #johnpedesta #podestaemails #hillaryclinton #conspiracytheory


Music: Shanhai
Musician: FOREVERT
URL: https://icons8.com/music

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