Bring Back Transparency at #NASA ~ Cloaking Technology on the #Moon in 1969? ~ A #MusicalMeme

4 years ago

I wonder why NASA didn't release these lost Apollo 11 Moon landing tapes earlier? Instead they sold them off for $217 (3 u-Haul trucks worth of EVA tapes)... (read more)

Let's examine! Were there really transparent Astronauts on the Moon in 1969? As we celebrate NASA's 50th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon landing by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, lets take a stroll down memory lane! Things seemed so much simpler back in 1969, when in fact NASA's technology was quite advanced! Check out the transparent Spacesuits worn by both Neil and Buzz! We could really use this tech now to help defeat the DEEPSTATE... LOL!

I would love to hear from you all as to what type of technology we are actually seeing? Is it Green-screen? Is Stanley Kubrick the Father of live GREEN-Screen? Things that make you go Hmmmmm?

I'd like to thank to NASA for the footage! Not as much as this guy though!

Shout out to break the Matrix 2


Track Name : Prize Bag
© 2020 RAW Q Boswin (SOCAN)

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