Vertical Truth Separates the Sheep from the Goats! 5 - Bible Study | Don Nourse - FLMUSA 11/11/2020

3 years ago

In this Message Don talks about our Faith and how what we believe in our hearts is who we are. Learn where Faith comes from and how to get more of it. We study verses that help build our Faith in Jesus during these troubling times. Remember Nothing can separate us from the love of Jesus.

00:00 Opening Prayer
00:41 Early Bird Special
01:46 Psalm 139 Father Son & Holy Ghost
05:35 Who is Our GOD?
07:05 Coming Home From Hawaii
09:43 We Have to Remember Who GOD is
12:31 You Are Always Connected to GOD
13:21 When do You Pray?
13:58 How Do We Open Our Hearts to GOD?
14:39 Prayer
15:23 Introduction
23:02 Psalm 139 : 23-24
24:51 Evaluate Your Dreams
25:17 Rejoice Always, Pray Continually, Give Thanks
26:01 John 10 : 14-16
30:35 The Joy of GOD Comes From The Inside Out
32:57 The Anxious Thoughts Come From Areas You Haven't Given to GOD
34:02 What's Really Insulting to GOD is....
37:09 We Have Direct Access to Mercy and Grace at Anytime
38:25 The Bumper Sticker is Correct!
39:30 Where do You Want Jesus to be?
40:37 Christ in You The Hope of Glory!
42:16 I am a Nobody and I Have Nothing Except For...
45:23 Closing Prayer

This message by Don Nourse has been brought to you by First Love Ministries USA, a 501c3 nonprofit that helps bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to the poor and needy throughout the world. For more information or to become a ministry partner please visit our website at:

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“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: To look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” (James 1: 27)

“…for it is Christ in you, the hope of glory!” (Colossians 1:27b)

#FLMUSA, #JesusChrist, #Faith, #VerticalThinking #BibleStudy

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