Accept All Gifts. Waive All Benefits November 10, 2020 By Anna Von Reitz

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Accept All Gifts. Waive All Benefits November 10, 2020 By Anna Von Reitz

People always want simple Silver Bullet answers to everything. Those are in short supply, but there are a few such cures.

One of the Silver Bullets that can and should be used to defend yourselves is, "I accept all gifts and waive all benefits."

That simple phrase puts the nail in the heart of all the adhesion contracts that can be thrown at you, everything from Social Security to birth certificates and Driver Licenses and Marriage Licenses, CARES Act Payments masquerading as bankruptcy settlements, and all the rest of the presumptions, assumptions, and suppositions that go with them.


What's an "adhesion contract" you ask? It's basically an illegal contract that some nogoodnik is trying to attach to you.

The classic example is the unwanted magazine subscription. Free three month trial. And if you continue to accept delivery the fourth month, you just bought a two year subscription to "Fanny Pack", plus a bonus of six more magazine subscriptions for the low, low price of only $19.95 each..... and just look at the wonderful periodicals you receive with this offer? Cake Decorating Monthly, Fat Cats (about overweight felines), Motoring Without Wheels (a journal for slightly confused hiking enthusiasts).....Field and Buffet (a magazine about vegetables you never heard of)....

An adhesion contract sells you crap you don't want or need and obligates you to do things that you don't want to do. And that is the whole point of it.

If you stop a moment and think about it, it is easy to recognize a Driver License as an adhesion contract --- 90% of us aren't actually drivers, don't use the public roads for any commercial purpose resulting in private profit, our automobiles aren't really "motor vehicles" as defined by any Motor Vehicle Code, either, and don't really have to be "registered" --- but the vermin coerce you into their jurisdiction under color of law and the proof of your obligation and status as a "resident" in their jurisdiction is what they demand from you the moment they illegally detain you under pretense that there is an "emergency" going on: the Driver License they gifted you with for only $49.95, plus shipping and handling.

Let's not forget the free Cap Snaffler.

So, when you receive an earnings dividend from a retirement insurance account in the Social Security program that you paid into and (in)vested in, is it a dividend, a gift, or a benefit?

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