Stepping Up to the Call: Who Is With You?

3 years ago

Welcome to Day Three of our Series, Stepping Up to the Call: Who are YOU? This series is a 5-day series featuring Cindy Rushton.

So far:

On Day 1 Cindy asks you, "WHO ARE YOU?"
On Day 2, Cindy shared on the topic: Perfect Preservation, Preparation, and Positioning for Completely Imperfect People.

Today, on Day 3, Cindy shares:


Who are you?? YOU are perfectly preserved, perfectly prepared, and perfectly positioned. Today, let’s get past the “stories” that you have told yourself or that others have told you through the years. Ready?

Want to be sure you don’t miss these recordings? This series is part of a bigger series you will not want to miss. Just hop over to, my home on the web, and be sure you are on my mailing list. I will send you updates on this and a bigger series on this topic where we will really dig deeper. When you do, you ALSO get a fun gift - my new video called THE POWER OF AN HOUR. Grab it today!

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