The National Car Crash

4 years ago

Every wreck has witnesses, some see the same things, some don't. The Forensic skid guys can tell you your speed, the cops can validate your story and the state and insurance company can verify your documents. There are data scientists on both sides of Biden's Steal and they are going to expose the data and the data is going to reveal beyond opinion what the truth. Hand recounts, audits, and canvassing will verify legal, living voters. They will overcome the dead, the double voters, the NGO's mass requesting of Absentee Ballots for 25 Residents who all then voted for 1 candidate. How many coma patients in there? How many COVID Deaths voted? It's all going to come out and the Hourly, City and State workers are gonna get it the hardest. Let the process play out, everyone is going to do their part, Good and bad. Also remember, just because there are burgeoning National Voices arising from the Cratering of the Legacy Media doesn't make them right. Do your own reading, studying, and discernment and in the silence of God's Will you will hear the roar of truth.

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