3 years ago


Hello friends my name is Eberechukwu Ebisike…

About eight years ago the Lord invited me on a journey of purpose that required me to exit my initial ministry as an ordained catholic priest, little did I know where this adventure was taking me. it was a most a dismissive, unwelcomed and unpopular decision I had to make against all odds from beloved catholic folks, fellow priests, wonderful friends and loving family.

Everyone who heard my testimony found it incredible; from Catholicism, the orthodox to the Pentecostal and still marching…

It was unthinkable, something unimaginable, practically impossible to find a traditional catholic priest in a pentecostal cycle spirit filled and walking in the power of God.
But it is true! I am the testimony of this possibility with God.

So, I have tried to satisfy everyone’s curiosity by sharing my incredible journey again and again. I have seen how Christians have reacted to my story from shock, unbelief to marvel, awe struck and crediting glory to God.

However, a few months ago the Lord impressed on me to sharing the details of this adventure in writing.

And so am excited to present to you my new and median book titled; “UNFINISHED”
It is the testimony of how God can trigger a shaking and initiate a transition in a life from the orthodox to the Pentecostal with the vision of breaking barriers and building bridges across the Body of Christ. I believe we are in a time a season when God is shaking things up in the body of Christ and causing alignment in strategic areas of the church in order to reequip, reposition, and reorder the church for the final phase of the global harvest.

This book is written with the vision to stir everyone to deeper reflection on what God is doing anew this season, and do bring us into discerning what the Lord would want us do to advance the cause of the kingdom from whatever position, creed or location we find ourselves in the Body of Christ.

I found purpose in sharing my testimony in this book, you too from reading this book would step into the purpose of God for your life and destiny.

Get a copy of UNFINISHED for yourself and a friend and let the unfinished buzz explode everywhere.

Am super duper convinced it’s going to be an explosive reading and impartation for you.

Thank you and God bless you.

For inquiries please call: +234 803 571 9192
Social media handles:
Facebook: @ebisikeebere
Instagram: @ebisike_ebere
Twitter: @EbereEbisike

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