Variations on an American Folk Song "Simple Gifts"

4 years ago

Simple Gifts Variations for Violin and Cello
Composed, performed, recorded, and filmed by Duo.Hansen (Phew!)

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Julia Hansen - violinist
Adam Hansen - cellist

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Adam thinks we wrote this in 2019, but Julia says it wasn't until early 2020. Either way, we agree it was written about 100 years ago (remember the good ol' days? Early 2020? So calm and relaxing... maybe 2021 can be like that!). This melody is beautiful, without a doubt, and we added a harmony that we felt honored the purity and simplicity of the melody, and still brought out all the right moments. The music has resonated over the decades (written in 1848) because it compliments the words so well, and we thought it was the perfect time to share our version with you guys! With all the chaotic stuff going on, it's important to remember how much we have to be thankful for!

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