White Fox Temple Bath Ritual

3 years ago

As the world awakens the Divine Goddess stemming form mama Gaia and through us humans is calling us home. We honor the feminine wild, we love her crazy. We honor the Goddess Divine and her ability to see and create new worlds. We pray deeply to the Earth and thank her for the abundance we get to live upon while fully REMEMBERING our soul mission of loving and respecting all WOMAN now. Soak it up, Soak it in. Take back your Untamed Freedom!

I am using the power of the White Fox Nectars Bath soak, combined with the power of Rose Energy. I am also using Bosm Wellness Breast Oil to prepare my body for this divine soak.

Get your CBD Starlight Bath Soak at www.whitefoxnectars.com and follow us on IG @whitefoxmedicine, get your Bosm Breast oil at https://bosmwellness.com/ and follow Bosm at @Bosmwellness

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