Tony Katz Today: Appeasing Iran and Screaming 'Racist!' Is This What A Joe Biden Presidency Looks Like?

4 years ago

On This Episode:

- The reports of election malfunction in Michigan keep coming. North Carolina has not been called. Both states have key Senate races. Any eyes that aren’t on the Presidential race, are on the Georgia runoff races. The Georgia races will determine the Senate majority.

- Senator Chuck Schumer is using the Georgia races as stepping stone to “change the world” and “change America. Reminding the Georgia voter what the Left’s plan is.

- People are leaving Twitter and Facebook because they do not trust Social Media, or any media for that matter, to give their voice a fair shot. The Democrat Media Complex calls the people traitors. The people have had enough. I don't want an echo chamber, but we are given no choice.

- Game Show icon, Alex Trebek, passed away over the weekend.

-Google changed the definition of a bigot.

The Big Story:

Joe Biden is calling for healing, unity, decency and fairness and considers his election to be a mandate for the Leftist agenda.

Iran Nuclear Deal is back on the table with a Biden Administration. Back into the Paris Climate Accords. And Biden will address system racism of systems he played a part in putting in place.

The Progressive Left knows they can sway Joe Biden. Can Mitch McConnell and a Republican Senate? Will Biden want to show real unity and find common ground?
Or will he act on what he perceives as a mandate. The Progressive Left thinks "unity" is compliance and that is not how unity works.

IG: @tonykatz
TW: @tonykatz

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