Recorded ~ Voter Fraud!! ~ Michigan - Detroit.

4 years ago

[Recorded] ~ Voter Fraud ~ Michigan - Detroit.

The Crooked Democrats and their Communist Mouthpiece, The Despicable Media will have you believe that 2+2=5, that there is no fraud. If that is the case THEN WHY... WERE PEOPLE BEING TRAINED TO COMMIT ELECTION FRAUD?

YES, There Is Election Fraud, and Yes, 2+2=4

Never Give Up!

It's blatantly obvious, The Democrats are in the process of stealing the Election from President Trump and the people. They're counting on people being stupid, but one thing is certain, patriots aren't stupid, we see right through your treasonous scam.

We all see it, a Coup d’état against a duly elected President.

🏍Godspeed President Donald J Trump🏍

Please Share the Hell out of any Voter Fraud / Election Fraud Incidents.

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