"JUST TELL THE TRUTH" Freedomain Call In

4 years ago

Freedomain Call In 08 Nov 2020

My wife and I are dedicated to raising our children according to the principles of peaceful parenting, which was not very difficult when our little lad was the only child, but now as our baby girl has joined the family, he has now become increasingly jealous and abusive towards her. At 19 months old he is only semi-verbal (i.e. identifying objects and simple properties [such as hot, cold and 'ouchie'], but not emotions).

Our 6 month old 'sissy' is often hit on the head, had her toys and bottle taken from her, even when we have provided an equivalent or better for him. We have taught him to give her a kiss on the forehead when she cries to help encourage empathy, but lately he has even bitten her on the forehead, nose and face while doing so.

We are at our wit's end trying to figure out what he needs so that he does not feel this jealousy. We have followed the advice of various sources such as "Peaceful parent, happy kid" and tried working with the advice of others in the community, but there seems to be something fundamental that we have not identified at the root of it. We would like to get your assistance to see what principles we should follow.

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