Reading by Dwane kirkland

3 years ago

Discovery/ by Kirkland/

1/ Lower communications for the masses to free the masses from codes and statutes and regulations and violations against all.

2/ The democracy mob rule has been exposed, and they have breeched the contract between the people we the people.

3/ The democratic parties and institutions are now under way for investigations and will be charged for treason of a breech of constitutional violations and diminishing the actual laws they are to preserve and protect.
and violating the union as one and in harmony, by violating titles 18 US/ and Tiles 42 US operations under the color of law/ at a state and federal level.

Example of crimes /


5/ This would be a crime itself by not protecting the supreme law of the land that you are to protect.

Count 1-Title 18 US Code Sec. 2381: In the presents of two or more witnesses of the same overt act, or in an open court of law, if you fail to timely move to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and honor your oath of office, you are subject to the charge of capital felony treason.

6/ Count 2- Title 5 US Code Sec. 556(d), Sec. 557, Sec.706: Courts lose jurisdiction if they do not follow Due Process Law.

7/They have lost all power delegated and now has forfeited by there treasonous acts and has no authority , and all American are to not comply to the democratic shames and violations or obey any of there offices who are not bound to the oath-of our great nation and to ease the pain and suffering caused to the Plaintiff, we the people by the defendants and all institutions operating under the color of law.

8/ We
request the police officers to be called off their scare tactics and acts of military Gestapo actions brought upon the
public and the Plaintiff and to hold each one of them accountable for their acts against the plaintiff and the fundamental
principles of this great nation. Full report in a timely manner.

9/ We
hope that you know the bill of rights and the Amendments and declarations of rights that all promised to protect and
Proverbs 31:9
Open your mouth, judge righteously, and plead the case of the poor and needy.
Numbers 30:3

10/ “Whosoever vows a vow to the Lord, or swears an oath to bind himself by a bond, he shall not break his promise, but shall do according to all that proceeds out of his mouth” (GNV 1599).

11/ To all/ click for wisdom no other

code11brvinfantry/treason/over- watch for public********

12/ "The operations of institutions that break down the laws, the amendments' declarations of the rights of the states, is sedition and is against the states that are to operate in harmony of the actual law. When the institutions break down the law then they are committing crimes against the government and its people, we the people.

13/ "Conduct which is directed against a government and which tends toward insurrection but does not amount to treason is sedition by breaking down our laws.

14/ Treasonous conduct consists of levying war against the United States or of adhering to its enemies, giving

15/ Constitutional Counsel, Advocacy, and Investigations Headquarters
Bill of Rights Offices in Harmony Across the Nation them aid and comfort. "By breaking our laws and violating them is treason and acts against the government as a whole.

16/ Giving the institutions aid by breaking down the laws is assisting the enemies within to tear our system and godly
principles, is treason and is in violation of the people." Quote of Carl Miller, Constitutional scholar, expert, educator,
proponent and defender; a highly decorated hero of the Viet Nam War, serving in the elite Apache Troop, member of the top-secret project "Blue Book", served in operation Eagle Snatch, and more.

Argument and lawsuit cases: If plaintiff is deprived of their rights in some capacity to which they are entitled:
{Owen V Independence 100 vol. Supreme court reports. 1398 (1982)- Main V Thiboutot 100 vol. supreme court reports.

2502(1982)-officers have no immunity when violating Constitutional rights, from liability. Title 42 US Code Sec. 1983,
Sec. 1985, and Sec. 1986 say the plaintiff can sue anyone who violates the Constitutional provisions. Case Byars V United
States 273 US Supreme Court rulings 28- Encroachment.

Miranda V Arizona 384 US 436-says no rule or law by legislation
which would abrogate or abolish any Constitutional right provisions-
{All delegated power's}{Under the 10th Amendment of the United States Of America}{Attach all writ of assist coupon- bill of attainder-direct Tax}{violating Article 1 Sections 9, and 10 US Constitution}{Title 18 , U.S. Code Sec.

2381- if they fail to protect Constitution they are subject to the charge count 1- felony treason} { Case law
Murdock V. Penn. 319 U.S. 105: (1943)-state may not impose a charge for enjoyment of a right by the beneficiary of

{Count 2 title 18 US code sect 241,242: if upon conviction the violator is subject to a $10,000 fine, ten years
in jail, or both and if theft result, life in prison} Constitution of Florida -- DECLARATION OF RIGHTS--Article 1 Section 23
Right of privacy.

Every natural person has the right to be let alone and free from governmental intrusion into the person’s private life except as otherwise provided herein.

Mr. Kirkland if no understanding , please call ask questions 1-406-369-0482 HQ office/ 11/05/2020

****************Look at this the mob rule in action dumping trumps votes in the trash,
America is pissed, the blue has lost the power and they are doing everything to hold, but time is jail time for treason. ***all
11 ******

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