Missouri Paranormal Association - Walnut Street Inn - Door opens and closes by itself

3 years ago

Our team conducted an investigation at the Walnut Street Inn on Saturday night, October 24. This video was caught in the McNeil Room. Investigator Ted walks into the room and sits on the bed. Then the room door opens by itself 3 times. The first time it opens, we can see a dark "hand" (for lack of a better word) seemingly pushing the door open. However, we have verified that our other team members are nowhere near this door. Michael and Brittany are upstairs in the Wilder Room, Lorine is in the McCann Room, and Tonya is in the Lounge area outside the McCann Room. We need to note that these room doors are heavy and not pushed open easily. When the door first opens, you can hear the click of the doorknob, meaning that whatever opened it had to have physically turned the knob before it will open. It takes quite a bit of force to push this door open. The other 2 times this door opens, we do not see the "hand" again. We note that Ted doesn't react to the door, so we asked him why, and he stated that he thought it was one of us. Also note that, if you slow the video down or pause it at the exact moment when Ted opens the door, you can clearly see his white hand on the doorknob, as it is clearly visible in the light of the hallway. So, our question here is, "Who or what is opening this door?"

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