Judge Jeanine Pirro Exposes the Lies and Distortions of the President’s Enemies in Her New Book

3 years ago


In this episode of the Conservative Business Journal Podcast, John Di Lemme interviews Judge Jeanine Pirro about her new book, “Don’t Lie to Me: And Stop Trying to Steal Our Freedom” and the upcoming election.

During this powerful podcast, Judge Jeanine shares…

→ This is her third book in a trilogy that exposes the lies and distortions of the president’s enemies

→ How lying infuriates her and as a judge she would say “Don’t Lie to Me!”

→ Why she’s had enough of the left’s countless lies and false accusations

→ The fact that there’s more crime going on in Washington than criminal courts across America

→ Why the liberal left wants control of America and their plan to destroy the country based on their hate for the US Constitution

→ The liberal logic of opening liquor stores and marijuana distributors but not churches and places of worship

→ How the left’s plan to defund the police will endanger the lives of Americans, which is being proven with the lawlessness in Democrat ran cities now

→ She’s known Donald Trump for over 30 years and knows his heart for all people

→ Why she dedicated her book to President Trump, who is a workaholic for America that constantly fights against the attacks by the liberal left

→ What’s going on with the power grab by Congress and the constant threats by Democrats

→ The importance of re-electing President Trump on November 3, 2020 or the America that we know will be gone forever

Plus so much more!

Listen to many more Episodes of the Conservative Business Journal Podcast News Media Series... go to... http://www.CBJRealNews.com

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Thank You, Let's Keep America Great and Safe from Socialists,... John Di Lemme http://www.ConservativeBusinessJournal.com.

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