Gold Sluice Field Test

3 years ago

This Gold Sluice Box is 4 ft. 5 inches long when assembled 2 ft. when folded (Every part packs into this box when folded for storage or backpacking), 8 inch wide floor with 2 1/4 inch high side walls , about 8 lbs. 3 oz. total weight.

Complete aluminum construction featuring a detachable water shoot , material bucket placement brackets on the upper sluice design and independent riffles that cut clean-out time dramatically. The riffles are held in place with independent side rails that apply downward pressure and sidewall pressure at the same time eliminating material buildup between the riffle system and the sidewalls that happens with the current industry standard riffle designs. This product has been run with a controlled field test where .255 oz of Gold bearing material was processed through the Sluice in a standard creek type setting and the .255 oz of Gold was recovered upon the cleanup process that proved we had zero loss of Gold (Nuggets to Flower size) from our design.

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