Ho oponopono prayer

4 years ago

This is a centering meditation that embodies the EFT tapping points and Ho'oponopono Mantra. The Ho'oponopono and EFT process combined is a powerful technology bound to help you center yourself and maintain balance during your earthly experience.

If you have to choose one meditation from this site--make it this one!

It has the potential of rewriting your life scripts and open up doors to you that you could not possibly imagine existed.

In this meditation, you address all aspects of your being. The Creator within you, the Higher Self, Your Mind and finally the memories (some people refer to these as Karma) or unhelpful energies that we have created with our thoughts or those that were so generously passed on to us because of the actions and thoughts of our ancestors before us.

The meditation makes use of the EFT Tapping points. You will hear "Starting at the side of the hand" at the beginning. You then get a second prompt "Eyebrow" and then periodic reminders "Over the other side of the body eyebrow" in case you get lost:-)

You can download a free copy of this video and many other audio and video meditations


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You can download a free copy of this video and many other audio and video meditations
at https://www.thereisaway.org/ho-oponopono-cleaning-meditation/

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And of course, you are welcome at our Thereisaway Fan Page where all the great people of this world congregate :-)


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