Stuffed Mushrooms - Low Carb

3 years ago

Recipe and step-by-step instructions on how to make stuffed mushrooms.

Stuffed Mushrooms

4-6 medium- large portabella mushrooms
1 lb hamburger
1 medium onion-chopped
4-5 garlic cloves-medium-large size-finally chopped
¼ c summer squash-diced
1/4c zucchini-diced
8-10 olives-diced
1/3-1/2 c tomato sauce
8-10 mozzarella cheese slices-thick
1 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp turmeric
2-4 Tbls olive oil

cook hamburger, with onion and garlic. Let cool a little bit, put in a bowl ad summer squash, zucchini, olives , 1/3 c tomato sauce and spices. Mix together well. Carefully scrape out some of the mushroom to make room for the mixture. Put you olive oil into your pan so your mushrooms don’t stick. Then put your mushrooms in your pan, add your mixture into the mushrooms make sure to heap it up, add some tomato sauce on top then add your cheese.

Cook @ 350 for 15-25 minutes depending on the size of the mushrooms.

tomato sauce recipe and how to also uploaded

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