Forward: (Nothing Is The Matter)

3 years ago

This book 'Nothing Is The Matter' was written pre-pandemic. However, for me, it is as relevant as ever and is there ever a bad time to further your self-empowerment? Become the shining light of example to others through this difficult time. Love to all.

Stay safe.

2020 is the year of transparency and compassion.

1/21 Beliefs:

2/21 Focus On Your Desires:

3/21 Putting it into Perspective:

4/21 Did the Caterpillar Die?:

5/21 And the Point is?:

6/21 Be Right Back:

7/21 I Am:

8/21 Perfectly Imperfect:

9/21 Love Yourself:

10/21 Forgiveness:

11/21 The Power Of Gratitude:

12/21 The Masks of Anger:

13/21 There Is Only Now:

14/21 That Knot in your Stomach:

15/21 Keeping up with the Joneses:

16/21 Love Is A Superpower:

17/21 Being Brave:

18/21 Mind Body and Soul:

19/21 Discernment:

20/21 Humour Is (by far) The Best Medicine

21/21 And Action…

We are just energy buzzing at different frequencies - physical density being perceptible and life-force being undetectable (at least scientifically) from the physical perspective, apart from these fairly obvious words you're reading from my mind. Energy can neither be created nor extinguished - why should we be any different? Two things never change as I see it; there is only now and you'll always be in it.

Just in different ways. It's reassuringly sophisticated and so much bigger than most people think.

We really have nothing to fear in life. You are a powerful being and the universe will open up its secrets if you're keen to know more. This book pokes around various elements of nature and its curiosities and it'll open your mind to new possibilities.

"One can have no smaller or greater mastery than the mastery of oneself"
*Leonardo Da Vinci*
#Empowered #MasteringLife #IAm #NoFear #Universe #ParallelDimensions #PositiveThinking #Spiritual #Science

Niwel - Takayama

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Offering a different perspective on life. Life's too short to get caught up with any situation that doesn't serve you and perhaps it's time to dispense with old ideas and habits to make room for a new way.

These contents are the subject of my own thoughts so please always use your own discernment. My intention is not to offend or belittle anyone's current situation or belief system, but rather to encourage you to further explore your relationship with it.

The goal is to help others to become self-empowered and improve overall wellbeing. Self-empowerment is knowing who you are, why you are and what you are. You are a spiritual being having a physical experience on this extraordinary adventure we call being alive. Why? Because we can.

The law of attraction, understanding the power of the I AM, and your belief filters are what help guide you through some of life trickier times, but once mastered can also help you through day to day living. Swap anxiety with positivity and gratitude.

Life is to be enjoyed not endured.

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