4 years ago


In 1993 – Joe Biden sponsored, shaped and worked with racist, segregationists to pass the ‘Biden Crime Bill’ that has had imprisoned hundreds of thousands of young black men, to this very day.

Biden hides from his signature crime legislation today because he knows that the African-American community holds the racist cruel and unusual incarceration, of their young men’s plight against him.

Indeed, Joe Biden bears responsible for sponsoring, nurturing and passage of his unjust law, which is officially called, ‘The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994’. Today, that oppressive and racially-targeting crime bill bears his name as the Biden crime bill because of his 47-year collection of racist statements, friends and actions against a whole race of people, which has done more to destroy black lives than anything else.

In 1993, at the time the bill was being written and debated, Joe Biden was Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. It was during this time that Joe Biden’s speech warned that there were “Predators on our streets" who were "beyond the pale." Biden said of Black People:

“They (Black Predators) must be cordoned off, from the rest of society. The justice system did not know how to rehabilitate them.”

Joe Biden played a central role in shaping the bill and nurturing the crime bill that purposefully and specifically targeted African Americans. Joe Biden’s passage of the ‘Biden Crime Bill’ created a legacy of mass incarceration for young black men.

In Biden’s speech, on the floor of the U.S. Senate, he described a force of young black people, in the tens of thousands:
- who were born out of wedlock
- without Parents
- Without supervision
- without any structure
- without any conscious were without socialization
- with no opportunity.

In 1993, Biden said,

“They (Young Black People) will become the ‘Predators’ within 15 years from now.

In 1993, Biden called young black people “Predators without conscience.”
In 1996 Hillary Clinton young black people “Super Predators who had no conscience.”

1993 - Biden said – They (Young Black People) have “No, empathy and who need to be brought to heel.”


Robert Byrd was not just a racist, but he was a racist’s racist leader.
Robert Byrd was an active member of the Ku Klux Klan
Robert Byrd was the leader of a KKK Chapter of 150 members.
Robert Byrd pretended to leave the KKK, officially
Robert Byrd remained an officer and adviser to Grand Imperial Wizard, Samuel Green
Robert Byrd continued to recruit Klan members.

In spite of Robert Byrd’s’ immoral and racist life, Joe Biden and Robert Byrd had a very cordial and close relationship:

On July 02, 2010 – Joe Biden Praised Robert Byrd and called him:

- a Friend
- a Mentor
- a Guide.
2010 - Eulogy for Robert Byrd

- Robert Byrd founded the clan of West Virginia, you know, West Virginia,
- As a Democrat, he opposed and filibustered the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
The Democrats made the majority leader
- Joe Biden called Robert Byrd one of his best friends
Robert Byrd fought the some of the 1964 Civil Rights Act
- And Joe Biden called Byrd a mentor
Robert Byrd opposed every Civil Rights measure in congress
- Joe Biden called him a ‘Guide.

James Eastland, Robert Byrd, Strom Thurmond and Richard Spencer are all bigger than David Duke. Richard Spencer endorsed Joe Biden, but never a question, from the media.

It is very important to ask Joe Biden a few very pertinent question:
Joe Biden,
- Are you still a white supremacist?
- Are you still a bigot?
- Are you exactly what Kamala Harris called you?
- Do you still count Robert Byrd as:
As a friend?
As a Mentor?
As a Guide?

Men & women of the black community, this was Joe Biden, who incarcerated hundreds of thousands of black Americans, wants you to believe he is the friend of the African American Community. He wants you to see him as your friend.

It will be shocking if Joe Biden ever gets one question, on his past racist expressions, friends & views. Here are some questions I want to ask to the American people, myself:

- Do you want Joe Biden to apologize for his support of the former Klansman, Robert Byrd?
- Do you want Joe Biden to apologize for his comments about racial jungles?
- Do you expect Joe Biden & Kamala Harris to stop getting a free pass from the media?
- Will you, the American People, let Joe Biden get away without taking responsibility for his racist past?
- Will you, the American People, do what is good & right for the future of America that is in your hands?

We must stand up, speak out & take control of our future, by re-electing Donald J. Trump for four more years, as President of the United States of America.

Now you know. America, what will you do?
- Dr. Steven Clark Bradley PhD

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