Taiwan Should Prepare Against Possible Chinese Invasion, White House Official Says

3 years ago

Taiwan Should Prepare Against Possible Chinese Invasion, White House Official Says

Taiwan should prepare to deter a Chinese invasion, White House national security adviser Robert O'Brien said Friday.

"I think Taiwan needs to start looking at some asymmetric and anti-access area denial strategies and so on and really fortify itself in a manner that would deter the Chinese from any sort of amphibious invasion or even a gray zone operation against them," O'Brien said at an Aspen Institute event.

China is pushing a new strategy to carefully step up military pressure on self-ruled Taiwan.

Recent moves include military drills conducted by the People’s Liberation Army near the Taiwan Strait, which included an island invasion drill during Taiwan’s “Double Tenth” holiday and an assault landing drill that was aimed at “connecting the last 1km” to conquer an island.

In a recent row of events at the South China Sea when the PLA Air Force (PLAAF) tried to push into the Taiwanese islands during the visit of a top American diplomat, reports reveal that a brief dogfight ensued between the Taiwanese F-16s and the PLAAF Su-30MKK, in which the former forced the latter to retreat. 

Some analysts say China could move against Taiwan should the U.S. presidential election result in political chaos, Reuters reported.

The U.S. is trying to bolster Taiwan’s defensive posture by selling it military equipment, including sophisticated drones and a coastal defense missile system.

Source: https://www.voanews.com/east-asia-pacific/voa-news-china/taiwan-should-prepare-against-possible-chinese-invasion-white

Source: https://www.scmp.com/news/china/military/article/3106001/chinas-military-moves-targeting-taiwan-are-more-about

Source: https://eurasiantimes.com/f-16s-but-who-prevailed-china-or-taiwan/

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