Feathered Cocaine ~ 23rd April 2010.

3 years ago

Feathered Cocaine ~ 23rd April 2010.

FEATHERED COCAINE is not a wildlife documentary. It is a documentary about the international trade of falcons. After the trade of drugs, people and weapons, smuggling falcons is ranked No 4 in the list of the most profitable illegal trades. Most people are not aware that the effects of the falcon trade have exerted huge influence over thousands of years on politics, economy and society all around the world. FEATHERED COCAINE reveals in an investigative way the contexts between the trade of falcons and historical events, where royal dynasties, institutions like the CIA and the KGB, the oil industry and Al Caida were involved.

Falconry is merely the entry point into a world of international intrigue and global terrorist networks, which are the true focus of this gripping documentary. Prepare to have your preconceptions jostled as you sink ever deeper into a realm known by few, and seemingly, a realm that many powerful forces wish to remain unknown.

The film's protagonist, Alan Parrot, seems by all accounts to be an unlikely hero: Mild mannered, a loner, a Caucasian American convert to Sikhism. But don't let the quiet demeanour fool you. Mr. Parrot is a fearless defender of the object of passion: Falcons the world over. In fact, he has made it his mission in life to save them from poachers and the black market, as well as the diluting of their gene pool through the lucrative creation of hybrids. Mr. Parrot make a fascinating a subject.

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