kids activities at home ideas during lockdown 2020 |how to engage kids??| parenting tips

4 years ago

kids activities at home ideas during lockdown 2020 |how to engage kids?| parenting tips

Children have an important part to play in missions! We believe it is important for them to develop a passion for missions at an early age. Each month through the Engage Kids activity booklet, children will join special characters and Louie the monkey on a fun, interactive missions journey of their own. The booklet contains activities and stories which help children learn about the current region being discussed. They will even be given opportunities to interact with missionary kids their own age. Engage Kids is fun and exciting—intentionally geared towards children ages six to twelve. Your kids will love this program!

The Engage Kids booklet is an excellent tool for parents to use in family worship, to help Sunday School teachers spark interest in missions, or for Christian Day School teachers who want to awaken in their students a desire to be more involved in missions.

Engage Kids is a part of the Engage Church Missions Program.
Missions truly is for everyone! When Jesus gave the Great Commission it was not an option, it was a mandate. There are important roles for every child of God to fulfill. However, it is often difficult for people who do not have a definite missionary call to know what their role is or how to be effective in sending. Additionally, while many churches earnestly desire to motivate their people towards active engagement in missions, they do not always know how to accomplish this goal.

It is with these struggles in mind that Hope International Missions (HIM) presents Engage: Your Church and the Great Commission. Our driving motivation behind this program is to provide you and your church with meaningful, quality materials that will inspire and engage your local congregation. On a monthly basis, we want to serve your church and make it as easy as possible for you to present the cause of missions in an ongoing manner.

We would love for your church to participate in this exciting program. Let us know of your interest by emailing or contacting a representative in the HIM office at 772-546-1113.

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