4 years ago

As a U.S. Senator, Joe Biden praised segregationists so much that he was forced to apologize for his earlier comments praising segregationists. But, he maintains that he was not wrong to oppose busing in the 1970s.

In 1973, Joe Biden received an award from the most famous segregationist in modern history, George Wallace.

Remember George Wallace? During his first inaugural address for Governor of Alabama, George Wallace became infamous for his words. He said:

“I say . . . segregation today . . . segregation tomorrow . . . segregation forever.”

Joe Biden calls Donald J. Trump a racist, but, in 1973,
Segregationist George Wallace praised Joe Biden as “One of the outstanding young (Racist) politicians of America.”

In 1975 - Biden said the Democrat party needed a liberal George Wallace. Joe Biden told the Philadelphia Enquirer,

"I think the Democratic Party could stand a liberal George Wallace — someone who's not afraid to stand up and offend people, someone who wouldn't pander but would say what the American people know in their gut is right,”

In 1975 - Biden sided with Racist and Segregationist Jesse Helms, when they worked together to strip the U.S. Federal Government’s power to withhold funding from school districts that refused to comply with racial-equality measures.

On Oct. 12, 1975: After defeating desegregationist policy of bussing,

Biden said, “The pro-bussers and the civil rights lobby were dumbstruck … although I had put them on notice months earlier,” said Biden in the interview. “I think I’ve made it possible for liberals to come out of the closet … If [anti-busing] isn’t yet a respectable liberal position, it is no longer a racist one.”


In 1977 - Biden said “Unless we do something about this my children are going to grow up in a jungle the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions have been built so high that it's going to explode at some point.”


From 1972 to 1977 - Joe Biden in 1977 wrote several friendly letters to a very racist Southern Senator James Eastland, who was a racist & a bigot and a segregationist.

On June 30, 1977 - Biden wrote to Eastland, about “buying his friendship with Eastland.” In what has come to be called, 'The Canton Mississippi letter', Biden wrote to Eastland, “I want you to know that I very much appreciate your help during this week's committee meeting and attempting to bring my anti-busing legislation to a vote.”

James Eastland’s was a plantation owner; he believed blacks are an inferior race and fought for segregation throughout his career. He was a Mississippi Democrat lawmaker.

Biden and Eastman wrote letters to each other going back as far as 1972.

In 1987, Biden did a fundraising trip across the South, for his unsuccessful 1988 Presidential bid. His objective was to appeal to White voters. It was during this campaign trip that Joe Biden said:

‘We (Delawareans) Were on the South’s Side in the Civil War.’ That meant that, during the Civil War, Delawareans supported Slavery and wanted to preserve it, and that if Biden had been alive then, he would have too.

1988 - Biden supported the same racist views that segregationists
Supported John Stennis - a racist segregationist from Mississippi. Joe Biden supported Stannis, who opposed Brown versus Board of Education with what was called the ‘The southern Manifesto.’

U.S. Supreme Court Justices ruled Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas State-sanctioned segregation of public schools and was a violation of the 14th amendment & was therefore unconstitutional.

In 2017, Joe Biden said,

“I've been around so long. For work with James Eastland whose work that began was this segregationist for Mississippi. Even in the days, when I got there, the Democratic party had seven or eight old-fashioned Democratic segregationist.

“You'd get up & you'd argue like the devil with them. Then you go down & have lunch or dinner together. That’s the political system worked. We were divided on issues, but the political system worked.”

In 2019, Biden talked about his time working with Eastland. He worked with Georgia segregationist Herman Talmadge in the 1970s. Biden caucused with James Eastland, while imitating a Southern accent. He claimed that the senator, “Never called me boy, which is we all know is a derogatory term used against black men.”

Yes, this is the real Joe Biden. His past is one riddle by racist statements, racist friends and racist policies. He wants to convince you, today, that he is a man who has the best interest of the black community at heart. In fact, he has spent his whole 47-year career seeking marginalize and separate black and white people.

America; on November 3, 2020, you will get the government you deserve. Now you know. America, what will you do?
- Dr. Steven Clark Bradley PhD

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