Can a company health plan also cure the ills of its community? with Duchess Health CEO Ruth Lininger

4 years ago

An epidemic of chronic disease. A pandemic. An economic crisis. Skyrocketing healthcare costs for suboptimal care that fails to address the root cause of America’s consumer health and community health needs. The time is now to implement wide-scale health reforms that address the root cause of both our health crisis AND our health care crisis.

The answer lies neither in leaving the insurance system as is nor in scaling the dysfunctional federal healthcare system, Medicare for All. Rather, the answer entails a sustainable solution that is consumer and community-centered, intelligent and data-driven, and that meets affordability and equity goals while preserving the free market. Ms. Lininger designed Duchess Health to meet these goals.

Duchess Health offers the health intelligence to permit scaling of whole health reforms and complement innovative health plans. With solutions that can be customized to meet the specific needs of progressive, self-funded employers who wanted to improve their employee health, it facilitates widespread adoption of direct contracting arrangements from primary to specialty care - to help drive down costs, reinvest savings into the virtuous cycle of health, and repair our local communities.

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