Reviving a Nation: Patriots or Pacifists

3 years ago

Reviving a Nation: Patriots or Pacifists

Should the church be made up of patriots or pacifists? How does the Gospel teach us to relate to the nation and world around us? How and when should we be confrontational? We examine the Screwtape letters to better understand how we are tempted to give into deceptive worldviews that distract us from truth. America needs revival as she is in the mid of a culture war, and we need to be critical thinkers . We also discuss how emotions, feelings and pleasures can be used to make us feel nothing. Our final segment plays buy sell or hold with Bible Stories that would make for interesting horror movies. (Church of the Nazarene Podcast)

#BibleStudy #Nazarene #America #Holinness #ScrewtapeLetters #screwtape #CSLewis #CultureWar #Pastor #Philosphy #CriticalThinking #Love #Faith

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