Looking Like This Doesn't Make Us Bad Parents | HOOKED ON THE LOOK

3 years ago

HEAVILY tattooed and modified parents-of-one Victor and Jessica are proudly fighting back against the prejudice they receive online. The father, Victor, gave himself his first tattoo at just 13-years-old and has never stopped modifying himself ever since. The 45-year-old's body is 70% covered in tattoos and he has undergone seven surgical body modifications procedures including nipple removal, subdermal implants, a split tongue, tattooed eyeballs and massive nose stretchers. Victor told Truly: "The nose stretcher was the most painful, without a doubt". Jessica is 20 years younger that Victor and is quickly catching up with all of his tattoos and modifications. "I have 40% of my body tattooed - I want to get at least 80% of my body and several modifications too" said Jessica. The couple run an Instagram page called 'The Modified Couple' where they share their day-to-day life with their 3-year-old son. "Nicolas is really young but he looks at us and finds us beautiful," said Jessica. The family receives a lot of prejudice both online and in real life, with both families not accepting their extreme modifications. Victor said: "The criticism from my family is quite harsh, they threw me out of the house when I was 13 years old - I spent almost 2 years without talking to my mum and today they are still not accepting the way I am." Jessica said: "My family still doesn't support my modifications - he is the only person who supports me in all this."

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