S2:Ep62 | The VP debate breakdown...

3 years ago

With the left still having a k'nipshit about President Trump having COVID-19, the one and only Vice Presidential debate was noting shy of straight up BORING. Kamala Harris did nothing but LIE to VP Pence's and our faces, the faces of the American People. If you think that the country is going to be better under a Biden/Harris Administration, think again. This Election is no longer about left v. right, Republican v. Democrat...it's about GOOD v. straight up EVIL!!! So do your research, listen to what this crazy woman says during this debate, and get your asses out and vote for DONALD J. TRUMP on November 3rd. People like me who have had their Right To Vote wrongfully stripped away depend on you to do the right thing.

Also, flood Joe Rogan's Twitter & Instagram and let him know that you want to see me on his Podcast.



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