Lured Down the Garden Path Book Review

3 years ago

My Review:

I rarely write a review for any book. I don't read many books. But I had to read this book because the title intrigued me. It seemed to capture what is going on today in our crazy world. Sherwood Steele is a great writer. I enjoyed how he carefully and accurately provides a history lesson into our past and how it relates to the present day. He understands how to connect different elements of historical events and people. The author provides clear examples of how our present-day events are shaped by our past and how history can easily be repeated.

Today people continue to be ignorant of the destructive times we are going through today because they are unaware of what has happened in the past. For me, I remembered many of the events mentioned in the book. I lived through those times. I remember how people and the world were affected. The world has never truly recovered from the mistakes of our history. Today, young people don't understand what happened throughout history. Today people are taught bias information and untruths about history to fit a distorted ideology. We see that in our educational system today. Unfortunately, young people are ignorant of the past because they have no reference to compare the historical events of the past with present-day events. Some of the events we are going through today are worse than some of the events from our past. The book effectively covers such facts.

If you are a follower of religious doctrine you find the book interesting as well because it also takes the reader on a journey to explore how religious beliefs may be connected to the times we live in today.

The title of the book is appropriate for the topics covered in the book. People today are being "Lured Down the Garden Path." People are unknowingly being led by individuals that are fully aware of what they are doing and how people are following them blindly. The book will open one's eyes and make one reexamine life today in a whole different way. The book illustrates how people today are being unknowingly led down a path of carefully manipulated destruction.

The book is a great book and well worth the read. I highly recommend it.

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