Rooftop Jumps - Daredevil does Parkour and Freerun and Tricking on a rooftop

3 years ago

Rooftop Jumps – Parkour/ Tricking/ Freerun

Please, take a look of what a regular training day of a Parkour/ Tricking/ Freerun athlete in Dublin, Ireland looks like. The video clip shows a young and very agile lad doing different vaults, somersaults/ flips and jumps mainly on a rooftop of a really tall building on a fine and warm day with blue skies, in the city centre of Dublin.

‘’Movement is a universal language.’’, says this young chap, with a smile on his face.

How can this person even do something that is so dangerous like that? Does he not get scared of getting injured or even worse, getting killed? Well, what we do know is that this makes for one entertaining video! In fact, this young man has well over ten years of experience of doing these flips and jumps and he had to go through a lot of struggles, grinding, beginner’s mistakes due to lack of knowledge, and quite a few injuries (mainly mild injuries), in order for him to get to the level he is at today. It takes years of mastering key techniques of taking off, rotation, twisting and landing smoothly, without getting injured. Yet even with all the experience this athlete has got, injuries still occur due to overtraining or slippery surface/ wall/ rail or whatever the athlete is overcoming as an obstacle, or simply a miscalculation that leads to an injury, though it happens rarely as he gains more experience. It is a learning curve and whatever does not kill him, makes him stronger, more experienced and adaptive to the environment that surrounds him.

Parkour, Tricking and Freerun are urban sports that are extremely dangerous. The vaults/ jumps/ somersaults/ flips are performed by an experienced athlete with well over ten years of experience of the above-mentioned urban sports. Please, do not try any of the above without a proper physical and mental preparation. Please, attempt these stunts only in gymnastic gyms where you could be coached by a certified coach. Thank you.

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