Rorela ( Drosera Rotundifolia L. ) serve para eliminar catarro

3 years ago

Before using this herbal medicine consult a specialist first.

Rorela (Drosera Rotundifolia L.) serves to eliminate phlegm

Drosera rotundifolia L. A small, carnivorous herbaceous plant, very widespread in the temperate and subarctic regions of the northern hemisphere, relatively frequent in mainland Portugal, mainly in the mountain areas of the north and center
swampy or very humid, with leaves in a basilar rosette, suborbicular suddenly contracted on the petiole, flowers at a pauciflora terminal summit with a longer escapement than the leaves, with small, white or reddish petals, marcescentes, fruit of a trivalve capsule.
The plant has insecticidal properties.
In home medicine it is used as an antispasmodic and in coughs and bronchitis.
The plant carries an enzyme that has the
property of transforming the alum into peptones.

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