Tony Katz Today: President Trump COVID Treatment and A Media Desperate For A Constitutional Crisis

4 years ago

On This Episode:

- The President might be headed back to the White house today. We have updates on his treatment for COVID.

- A teacher punished a child for saying they looked up to President Trump. When approached about it, the teacher lied to the parent about the incident.

- If you want to argue that Trump having COVID is karma for not following the rules, does that mean everyone else that has gotten it had bad karma as well? Does that message resonate with people?

- Federal employees that inflict and prolong shutdowns shouldn’t continue to be paid.

- Black Lives Matter and Proud Boys hold a press conference together.

- Thom Tillis is having a tough time in his North Carolina Senate race. His opponent has been wrapped up in a sexting scandal involving a young woman who is not his wife. Why is Thom Tillis having a tough race?

The Big Story:
Media is desperate to create a constitutional crisis. They want to paint the picture of a highly contagious and fully incapacitated President. When Trump drove around Walter Reed to thank his supporters, the media accused him of putting lives at risk.
Meanwhile members of the Political Left, dismissing Joe Biden's lead, are wishing death on The President bc they don’t like him.
Does The President having Coronavirus influence the election? It does give the President a very personal conversation to have with America. But what will get people out to vote is the vitriolic response from The Left.


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