3 years ago


11. The Enabling Act will enforce the sole goal, of the Socialist Revolution, of the regulation of all markets and business.
12. The Enabling Act will authorize the Socialist Government to cancel all student debt and to make all public universities free.
13. The Enabling Act will make all private universities or colleges unlawful.
14. Because of the high taxes imposed by the Socialist Government, the Enabling Act will serve as a mandate to take control of all industries and every aspect of the economy, including full control of the all stock exchanges and futures markets and commodities markets.
15. The Enabling Act will be a useful tool that will provide the Socialist Government the desired resulting effects of very high oil prices, reduced salaries, single-payer healthcare and a vast reduction in military spending.
16. The Enabling Act will be used whenever the Socialist Government artificially or authentically recognizes, expects or induces socially, politically or civilly violent reactions to the economic plight that will result from the Socialist political, social and economic measures.
17. The Enabling Act will be employed to enforce the Socialist Government’s decisions to greatly curtail or suspend civil liberties, such as, but not limited to free speech, civil disobedience, anti-governmental discourse and/or social media.
18. The Enabling Act will demand that all forms of oral or written, public or private opinions will be scrutinized, adjudicated and punishable by law, when deemed to be against the social and political and economic well-being of the Socialist Government.
19. Through the Enabling Act, the physical well-being of the general public will be the sole responsibility of the state and the cost of such.
20. Because of the great cost of keeping citizens healthy, The Enabling Act will give the Socialist Government wide latitude to decide:

a. What care should and should not be given
b. Who should and should not receive Socialist-Government-Paid care
c. What the public can and cannot eat.
d. What can and cannot be served in public forums
e. When the Socialist Government deems it necessary to consider employing ‘End of Life Measures’.

21. The Enabling Act will be the catalyst for the Socialist Government to fundamentally end private property and to pass Land Reform legislation that will eliminate large estates and redistribute it to benefit rural poor.

Perhaps you think this is a work of fiction or the result of an overly-creative mind. Then, it will be a great shock to you to know that these are the very same steps that were employed, by the late Socialist President of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, as he systematically dismantled and transformed his successful and rich nation into one of the poorest countries on Earth.
Venezuela used to be the 4th richest nation, in the world, the richest nation in Latin America, 4 times richer than Japan, and 12 times richer than China. Today, because of Socialism, Venezuela has been transformed, for sure, but into a nation, where over 87% of their people live below the poverty line. Socialism did this to Venezuela, as Socialism has done everywhere it has been tried.

If Socialism is implemented in the United States of America, this great nation will face the same results and disasters.

By 1982, Venezuela was still the richest major economy in Latin America. The country used its vast oil wealth to pay for social programs, including health care, education, transport, and food subsidies. Workers in Venezuela were among the highest paid in the region, until the election of Hugo Chavez, the nation’s first Socialist President.

As a result of Socialism, today, Venezuela has one of the poorest major economies in in the world – and the IMF predicts it to become far worse. The Venezuelan economy, today, is far poorer than it was many years, before the Chávez era started.

The country now has massive shortages of food, electricity, and other essential goods, and violence is escalating in Caracas. More recently, the government is attempting to tighten its grip around power, and mismanagement of the economy has led to people starving on the streets. People are calling the situation a humanitarian crisis, which is extremely disheartening to see in what was once one of the richest countries on the planet.

Do you think that the same thing could never happen in the United States of America? THINK AGAIN!

Dr. Steven Clark Bradley PhD

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